Pokemon Porn Searches

Nintendo’s Pokemon Go mobile game was released in the United States on July 6, and quickly became a worldwide phenomenon. As we soon found out with our friends at Mashable, this immediately lead to an increase in Pokemon searches on Pornhub. As of July 11, searches were 136% above the daily average prior to the launch of the game. As the game is released in other worldwide markets, we expect to see similar increases.


A while back when we looked at Pornhub searches for Minecraft, we discovered that the same people were already searching for Pokemon. Much like Minecraft fans, men are 62% more likely to search for Pokemon than women, and it is 336% more popular among 18-24 year olds when compared to all other age groups.

We also found that Android users were 51% more likely to search for Pokemon compared to Apple iOS users.


The statistics presented on Pornhub Insights come from Google Analytics. Part of Google’s anonymized data includes ‘affinities’, which determines a users’ likely interests based on their Google search history and web browsing habits. Using this affinity data, we were able to find what type of gaming fans were most likely to search for Pokemon.

Adventure & Strategy fans came out on top, although it was nearly as popular with Roleplaying and Action Game fans. When the game Overwatch was launched in May, we found that Hardcore Gamers were most likely to search for Overwatch, but like Pokemon it was also popular with Roleplaying fans.


Although Pokemon Go was only released in the United States on July 6, we looked to see what countries were most interested in Pokemon searches. Proportionately, most of the top 20 Pokemon countries are in Central and South America with Bolivia, Peru and Chile in the lead. Brazil ranks 11th for Pokemon searches, and in our last Year in Review we found that Pokemon searches there had grown 157% over the last year.


We hope you enjoyed this edition of Pornhub Insights. Interested in more gaming stats? Check out the wild traffic changes we recorded when Fallout 4 was released in November 2015.

3 thoughts on “Pokemon Porn Searches”

  1. Can you please use affinity data to figure out what kinds of people search for other kinds of porn as well? I’m especially interested in learning about BDSM fans and what correlates with being dominant or submissive.

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