Model Community News

Co-Performer Verification Updates

Now in effect!

By Pornhub | August 05, 2024 | 4 minutes


This post has been edited to reflect Co-Performer Verification updates which will take effect on September 3, 2024.

The safety of our community is our highest priority. As industry leaders, we have and continue to strive to set the standard for Trust and Safety policies and procedures. This means that we regularly review and make important updates to them. As you know, keeping records of IDs and signed Release Forms is mandatory for Models when working with Co-Performers. This has not changed. As of January 2024, we updated the way we validate Co-Performer IDs and proof of consent.  

As we continue to evolve our processes, we want to give you advance notice for the next phase. As of September 3, 2024, new videos will only get published if IDs and proof of consent have been submitted and approved for all Co-Performers featured in the content.


What Has Changed?

As of December 2023, we required approved Co-Performer IDs before a new video featuring these individuals can be published.  

Effective January 23, 2024, in addition to providing Co-Performer IDs, we also require proof of consent, such as Signed Release Forms, to be submitted and approved when you add a new Co-Performer to your Model account.


What is the Next Phase of the Co-Performer Verification Updates?

New videos uploaded as of September 3, 2024, onwards will only get published if IDs and proof of consent have been submitted and approved for all Co-Performers featured in the content.

Prepare now by uploading a Release Form for all Co-Performers for which you do not already have on file or have them complete the process digitally using eSignature.


Our Commitment

Our goal is to ensure we provide a safe space for both Models and viewers in our continued efforts to prioritize and innovate our Trust and Safety protocols. We recognize it will take a little more time to upload content and provide verification documents, but these steps are essential to providing a secure platform for everyone to enjoy.


What are Models Saying?  

We had the opportunity to speak with a few top performing Models about our verification protocol and learned that many of you share a common goal with us. Here is what some Models have to say about keeping proper documentation and shooting content safely.

Top Model Kazumi says, “In an industry so misunderstood, it is imperative that we always get our Co-Performer IDs and documentation when creating good, ethical porn. This is how we keep our content and each other safe and allow people to know that we all want to be here!”   

Ricky Johnson shared his insights about the importance of obtaining IDs and filling out paperwork.

“Co-Performer IDs are essential in the sex worker community. The adult industry has expanded so much that the amount of people who film in front of the camera has grown exponentially. You want to make sure you have proper documentation of the talent you perform with. Always get identification pictures of the Model you are working with to verify that they are of legal age and consent paperwork. It also opens the door for communication and transparency of where, when and what both parties are okay with. It is also good to have a backlog of paperwork because people have a right to change their mind about things even after signing forms, so it is good to have legal backing. If you are out there doing content without proper paperwork then do not expect to be able to utilize it in the future, as more and more platforms require legal documentation, as they should.”

We are all in this together and need to work as an ecosystem to protect our community and our content.


So, What’s Next? 

We recognize that there are some technical hurdles to overcome with these changes. We are working on optimizing the prompts and flows.


New: Tagging System!

In the coming weeks, we will be launching a new tagging system that will send collaboration requests to verified Models who appear in your content to confirm their consent. This will provide you with a streamlined experience that is more in line with processes you may be familiar with on other content monetization platforms. We’ve tested the prototype with a few Models to validate that the tool meets your specific needs, is functional and easy-to-use while adhering to our compliance standards.

We have a dedicated support team on standby to help you adjust and to answer any questions you have about your experience as a valued creator on Pornhub.

We would love to hear what you think of these new tools. Please share your feedback in the comments below!
