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Talk about sex and control, hypergamy, how men are treated - sorry ladies!

3 years ago
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Added on 3 years ago
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All Comments (18)

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2 years ago
It is a tad frustrating that the type of woman I am looking for, is unlikely to give me a chance because I am currently not in a high enough bracket socioeconomically... but such is the way of they world. The good news is that I understand this (A lot of men don't) and so I will save myself a lot of heartache by exercising patience and focusing on myself for now. Anyways enough of my rambling, it was enjoyable watching this video!
2 years ago
I see you've done your research indeed, I can hear people like the red pill coach or the rationale male or even my dear Jordan Peterson 😉 Keep working, indeed like Kevin Samuels would say, women are born with their value and lose it over time, while men have to work to acquire that value. it is very unfair, but when there's nothing you can do yo change the rules, better find a way to work around them and have it your way in the end. I wish you the best, young man !
2 years ago
When we get to that point, then we will get picky (the man) because of what it takes to get to that point of high desirability to females. Currently this is my mindset, curb my lusts with other means because chances are If I try to commit to a woman she may very well not be ready to commit to me -- leading to tragedy, because I am still a student in the process of building up my wealth, I don't have those major things yet (house, car, well paying job)
2 years ago
From my understanding, a youthful man becomes that highly desirable male by working hard in our 20's, develop ourselves both in character and career. Approach life with discipline and a strong vision. Get a house, get a car, get savings.
2 years ago
This can backfire for those career driven women, who delay marriage during their peak fertile years in search of that "Perfect man" because that top percentile of men isn't interested in settling down and marrying a single women. They have many very hot women vying for their attention, they will have sex and move on. So these women grow older, and sadly waste thier peak fertile/attractive years seeking that kind of man. Instead of being realistic and looking for a good man, who treats
2 years ago
abHow we interact with each other. It has brought up issues when it comes to people finding partners. As you said, women generally tend to seek men of a higher socioeconomic status and with more women getting into further education and obtaining high paying jobs their standards can easily be much higher than what the average good man can match.
2 years ago
On the topics on monogamy and polygamy I am still contemplating my view on them (I'm 20 years old, lots of stuff to figure out about who I am/want to be and what principles to have) But what you have discussed about male and female attraction and how it relates to our history and evolution as a species is true (I have done personal research as well) . In the modern world many social dynamics differ from to the past, relating to how we live , how we work, and how we interact...
3 years ago
add me to the list of people who would say your a 10. Believe it.
3 years ago
Je voulais dire en plus sexy, mais ta façon de réfléchir, ton sourire, certaines de tes mimiques, c'est fascinant, tu pourrait être sa sœur, ou sa cousine. Bref ça n'est pas très important, disons que pour les notes tu serais bien sur un 8 mais vu que tu peux ajouter l'emphatie, (ce qui t'a pousser à faire cette vidéo) ton intelligence, et visiblement ta tendresse, vu comment tu parle de ton homme , tu es sur un 11/10 🙂 enfin merci, j'ai passé un bon moment.
3 years ago
Salut, j'ai trouvé cette vidéo très intéressante, j'aime bien ta théorie sur le corps qui attire "l'autre" naturellement par contre je pense qu'il y a une différence d'attachement pour les hommes et femmes. Content de savoir que tu as su trouver ta moitié dans ce monde de dingues, et j'aime bien ta façon positive de voir le monde. En fait j'aurais plein d'autre truc à dire, mais c'est trop long pour un commentaire visiblement(&bizarrement tu me fait penser à Joseph Gordon Lewitt en plu
3 years ago
oh! merci! tu sais quoi, je ne suis pas familiere avec J.G.Lewitt, je vais aller voir 😉 Merci beaucoup pour tes commentaires touchants!
3 years ago
Discours intéressant ! J'ai écouté jusqu'à la fin, je ne m'attendais pas à voir tes seins 😂 Si seulement plus de monde pouvait penser comme toi ! 🙂 En ce qui me concerne, ma chérie sait que je me branle en regardant du porno, mais elle sait aussi que je n'y jamais voir ailleurs ce qui est totalement vrai. Par contre, ce qu'elle ne sait pas, c'est que j'ai un compte et que j’interagis avec d'autres membres, je me demande bien comment elle réagirait ^^
3 years ago
merci de ton retour 😉
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