Make Great Content

Tip 2 of 10: Upload Engaging Content

The second breakdown in our series of the Top 10 Tips to be Successful in the Model Program.

By Pornhub | May 29, 2024 | 5 minutes

We want to see our community grow, maximize their views and engagement, and improve their Model rank. So, we are happy to bring you the second installment of the Top 10 Tips to be Successful in the Model Program: Upload Engaging Content. If you missed the first one about uploading consistently, you can check it out here. Let’s get started!


Enticing Storylines

A good storyline is one of the main ingredients to create engaging content, just like a TV show, a book, a movie, or podcast. This also applies to porn! If the audience is not entertained, they will look for something else, and there are millions of other videos to check out on our platform. Going that extra mile to craft a creative plot will keep your viewers watching your videos until the end!

Take it from Elly Clutch, a top ranking Model who takes storylines to the next level in her content, “Jak Knife and I love to think of real-life situations and then add our own twists or use common porn tropes (like getting stuck in the washer) to create something both incredibly hot and memorable. Using creativity motivates me more than anything, and I love knowing someone may see one of my videos and never forget it!”

It's also important to balance authenticity and creativity to provide the viewer with a memorable experience. Authentic storylines and characters are more engaging than a video that feels forced. Stay true to your brand and your core values.  

If you are ever stuck on a storyline, put yourself in the audience's shoes. What would you want to see? Let your inspiration guide you.



Successful Models on Pornhub plan their scenes before they start recording. This is where storyboarding can elevate your content. Storyboarding is a visual representation of the sequences in a film, allowing you to see and plan what happens beginning to end. Viewers want to see different actions, a variety of angles, and changes in lighting and positions. Lingering on one action or one angle too long can leave your viewers skipping ahead.  

Use a storyboard to plan shooting your scenes. For example, it might look something like this:

  • 3 minutes of dialogue
  • 2 minutes of a blowjob
  • 1 minute of anal play
  • 2 minutes of missionary
  • 2 minutes of doggystyle
  • 1 minute of climax/orgasm
  • 30 seconds of after care

Brooke Tilli, a popular Amateur Model, and her husband, Keane, start imagining their scenes long before firing up the camera. Brooke says, “We start with getting out giant pieces of paper and about 10 different colored markers, each color having its own meaning. For example: blue for POV moments, red for tripod camera, green for Keane's dialog, pink for my dialog. Staying as organized as possible helps us craft a unique, engaging script.”


Show Off the Angles!

Making porn and sex in real life are quite different. Fans want to see all the action taking place, instead of seeing action that is partially obscured by a pillow or body part blocking their view. When you are filming, think about angles. Pivot your body to open to the camera rather than close yourself off from it. Factor into your storyboard the different angles you will be experimenting with during each segment you have planned, such as a POV shot, or a tripod shot.

Many experienced Models will film content, pause the shoot, and quickly review the content to check the angles are optimized for the viewer. If something is blocking the shot, or the action is not entirely visible, they will reposition the camera or themselves to capture the perfect angle. It is much easier to re-film content when you are in the thick of it. Spending a little extra time to get it right the first time will save you the post-production editing headaches down the road and give your fans the spicy content they love to see!


Turn Up the Volume!

There is more to porn than what you see. Vision is only one of the senses. Descriptive audio and sound stimulate another sense to ignite sexual pleasure, making it an excellent way to further captivate your audience.  

Think about erotic talk, ASMR, jerk off instructions, romantic music, a countdown to cum, and more. Are they making you feel good? Tell them that, and make sure the microphones are positioned in a way to capture the audio, so your fans hear it loud and clear.


Ask Your Viewers to Comment  

Engaging with your fans offers you better insight into what kind of content they want to see more. Include a quick clip at the end of your video encouraging your fans to comment on their favorite parts of what they just saw. You can also encourage them to comment in the video caption. This can help inform the way you storyboard future content. Also, engaging directly with comments left by users under your video is an excellent way to make connections with your audience and get them excited for more!

How do you come up with engaging content that keeps your fans consistently coming back for more? Let us know in the comments!
