Looking Into Glasses Porn

Pornhub has over a million videos, which allows our 60 million daily visitors to find pretty much anything that turns them on. With so many video options, people often search for what’s on their mind each day, and a good example of that is “glasses” porn. If you see someone wearing glasses during the day and were turned on, why not continue the fantasy the next time you visit Pornhub?

Our statisticians found that men are 160% more likely to search for glasses related porn than women, and visitors in the 18 to 24 year old age group are 14% more likely to search for glasses compared to all other age groups. The popularity of glasses porn drops as visitor age increases, with people over 55 being the least likely to search.


The most spectacular spectacles search is simply “glasses”, but it’s followed closely behind by “nerdy girl glasses” and “sexy girl glasses”. Searches are often combined with hair color, and we found that “blonde glasses” was the most popular, followed by brunette and then redhead. Nationality and ethnicity searches are common, with “asian glasses” outranking both “ebony glasses” and “latina glasses”.


Searches for glasses porn is still relatively small, only equal to 2% of a popular searches like “MILF”, but roughly equal in popularity to words like “student”, “passion” and “swinger”. There are some parts of the world where glasses porn is more popular, particularly in Europe. As a proportion of all searches, Hungary is the country where glasses porn is searched most often, followed by Poland, Croatia and Finland. Canada falls into 8th place, Thailand in 9th and Hong Kong in 11th.


We hope you enjoyed this brief look into glasses porn. As always, let us know your ideas for future Insights posts in the comments!

3 thoughts on “Looking Into Glasses Porn”

  1. Thanks for doing this blog. As someone new to this industry it’s extremely helpful to get an understanding of who browses your site, what they’re looking for, and how they look for it.

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