Does Size Matter?

Pornhub Insights is all about big data, and today we’re collaborating with our friends at The Berry to answer an age old question – does size really matter to women? And if so, does it matter more to women than men? The short answer is yes. On Pornhub, women search for big dick videos 46% more often than men do. They search using the term “dick” 122% more than men, and the term “cock” 7% more than men do.


Within each gender, we found that women proportionately search for “dick” 7% more often than they do for “cock”, whereas men are 94% more likely to search with “cock” instead of “dick”. Compared to other age groups, women aged 18 to 24 are -12% less likely to search for “big dick” videos, and those aged 35 to 44 are the most likely at 12% more often.

The most popular big term used by women is “big black dick”, followed by “big dick” and “bbc” (short for big black cock). Of the top 20 search terms, only 6 use the term “dick”, and 14 use the term “cock”.


Based on the proportion of all searches within a country, we found that big dick searches were most popular among women in South Africa, followed by the United States, Jamaica, Kenya and Nigeria. Canada ranks 10th for countries where big dicks matter most to women, followed closely by the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia and Sweden.


Less endowed men in Singapore, Bangladesh, Egypt, Albania and El Salvador can rest easy. Women visiting Pornhub from those countries are the least likely to search for big dick videos.

In the United States, women in the D.C. are the most interested in seeing big dicks. Perhaps that’s because there are so many politicians there. Zing! Big dicks are also more popular in Mississippi, Georgia, Alaska, Louisiana and Arkansas.


Proportionately, women are the least concerned with big dicks in Vermont as well as Utah, Maine, Idaho and North Dakota.


Our earlier Dick Versus Cock study combined search data from both genders, and found that Pornhub visitors in the United States preferred using the term “cock”, although “dick” was the top search term in many Southern states.

With our search data now focused on female visitors, we found that “dick” is more popular across the United States, with “cock” coming out on top only in Florida, Texas, New York, California, Ohio, Washington and Utah.


We hope you enjoyed this edition of Pornhub Insights. Do you have any other BIG data ideas? Let us know in the comments!

10 thoughts on “Does Size Matter?”

  1. Thought you were going to go into search terms for breast sizes as well (searched by either men, women, or both), that’s my recommendation

      1. Das ist mir schon klar gewesen, das solch eine Antwort kommt, doch wie abgesichert ist das? Stellen sie ihre Recherchen doch mal wissenschaftlichen Instituten vor. Durchs Per-Review kommen sie bestimmt nicht, weil ihre Analysen unwissenschaftlich sind

  2. So your study found that the top dick/cock search results all related to black penises. This seems to correspond with the demographics of the areas where you found women searching for big dicks (South Africa, Southern US, DC). Could they actually just be searching for black penises, and size being tied to that gives skewed results?

  3. Grundsätzlich gilt auch für Pornhub und andere Pornoseiten, das dies einer Ideologie gleicht, denn wirklich sind diese Verhältnisse keineswegs. Schon rein biologisch betrachtet ergibt das, was hier suggeriert wird, keinerlei Sinn. Was allerdings vielmehr Sinn ergibt, ist die Indoktrinierung, Sozialisation und Perversität, in welchem Maß versucht wird, Menschen zu manipulieren. Rassistischer Reinheitswahnsinn nennt man solches… – oder, wie man heutzutage so schön zu sagen pflegt: Multikultureller Schwachsinn. Frauen der westlichen Hemisphäre sind in kaum einer Weise, egal was betroffen ist, gleichberechtigt – wenn dieses auch irgendwo angesprochen wird – , so ist es dennoch ein kaum bezweifelbarer Fakt, das rauen dieses Thematik betreffend nicht eigenständig geschaltet sind. Auf Thumbler, das immer mehr zur Pornographischen Müllkippe degeneriert, wird gleichmäßig in schweinischer Manier – das gleichzeitige Hirnlosigkeit impliziert – widerwärtiger Mist produziert. Aber auch dort wird entsprechend forciert und propagiert, das Frauen angeblich auf dieses-oder-jenes stehen würden, doch dient dies lediglich einem mindertwertigen Zweck: Menschen zu manipulieren, sie zu vernebeln, szg. den Geist zum Schweigen zu bringen und sie zur NWO zu führen. Die heutige Flüchtlingskrise, die überhaupt keine wirkliche und tatsächliche ist, dient dem gleichem Zweck. Wenn Sie, Pornhub-Mitarbeiter das, was ich hier schreibe durchlesen und meinen, daraus feststellen zu können, wer ich bin, so würden sie das doch nur herausbekommen, wenn sie meinen Internet-Anbieter anfragen. Doch darf dieser darf – laut Deutschem Gesetz nicht verraten wer ich bin, oder woher ich komme; also sei gefragt, woher sie ihre zwielichtigen Daten herkommen. Und versuchen sie mir nicht weiß zu machen, ich sei zu dämlich oder hätte unisonso keine Ahnung, Vorstellung oder sei sowieso bescheuert.

    1. I get what your saying, I really do. Indoctrination and distraction is a huge issue facing many of the social issues of this time, but Porn is not the first to be part of the “beer and circus” show. I mean look at how often celebrities are searched, etc… but what I think needs to be said is that this “report” is amateur and I think your looking for peer reviewed info which they would not be able to give, really this and other discussions from their pages are just table talk with better insight, not actual scientific data. Its just a “food for thought” discussion, which I hope people are able to tell the difference rather than use this data for scientific purpose.

  4. How do you know who is male and who is female? I am thinking you would have to use patterns of searches to identify the groups. Just going by registered name would result in a lot of dudes who register as women.

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