Coronation Insights

May 6th, 2023 was the Coronation of Charles III and Camilla, as King and Queen of the United Kingdom. The Daily Star reached out to our Data Team to see how the Coronation affected traffic coming to Pornhub that day.

With the U.K. being Pornhub’s second largest source of traffic, the traffic changes may seem moderate, but in fact represent hundreds of thousands of visitors changing the time at which they usually watch Pornhub on a Saturday.

U.K. Traffic By The Hour

From 5am until around 1pm, traffic remained lower than average. The lowest drop occurred around 11am, down –10.4% from normal, coinciding with the time the Coronation began at Westminster Abbey. 

What was particularly interesting was the spike in traffic from 1pm until 5pm. It might be said the Brits are a rather patriotic bunch, giving their devoted Pornhub time to the royal family instead. However, with an increase of +7.7% at 2pm, it appears everyone was eager to make up for that lost time! 

U.K. Traffic by Region

Who were the most patriotic regions? Our Data Team wanted to know how traffic was broken down by region as well, using the average change between 10am and Noon (GMT), compared to a normal Saturday morning. They found the Northeast of England to be the most patriotic, with a drop of about –25%, followed by Wales at –16%.

Alternatively, from the West Midlands down to the South West and South East, the traffic change was minimal. The West Midlands and South West saw a decrease of –1%, and –2% for the South East. It appears they had more interest in Pornhub than the Coronation.

Worldwide, there was barely any measurable difference in traffic, approximately -0.1%.


Narcity also reached out to our Data Team to find out how this altered the viewing habits of Canadians, a country under the Commonwealth. 

Due to the time difference, the changes in traffic occurred during the early morning hours. Our Data Team found significant spikes in traffic between 4am and 6am. 4am saw an increase of +9.3% and 6am saw an increase of +9.8%. The traffic remained higher until 8am, before it started falling below average for the remainder of the morning and afternoon. 11am and 2pm saw the biggest drops in traffic, at -4.1%. 

What does this tell us? One might reach the conclusion that some Canadians were up early, getting their morning Pornhub time in before the Coronation started at 6am Eastern Standard Time. 

Because Canada is such a large country, there are many time zones within its borders. The Coronation started at 6am Eastern Standard Time, but it started at 3am Pacific Standard Time. Unsurprisingly, traffic was up in the East and down in the West. 

We then compared eastern and western cities to an average Saturday, looking at the difference in traffic from 5am to 7am Eastern Standard Time. In the eastern part of the country, Halifax was up +2%, Montreal was up 7% and Toronto was up 5%. On the west side of the country, the numbers were down, with Calgary at –7% and Vancouver at –8%.