Who Lasts the Longest?

Ever wonder how your lasting time compares to others around the world? The Pornhub statisticians have got you covered. As a part of a special collaboration with Gizmodo, we’ve got the dirt on the longest and shortest comings and goings on the world’s biggest porn site. The following infographic allows you to click through and see how long on average Porhub users around the world spend on the site by country and US state, as well as by city again on both the international and individual state levels. The data used was compiled over the Fall of 2014.

View the full sized infograph here

Who lasts the longest of them all? That honor goes to The Western Sahara up in North Africa, where visits last an impressive  16 minutes and 16 seconds on average. China and the Philippines also have some admirable lasting power, clocking in with 14:34 and 14:22 minute long sessions on average. Session lengths drop by around 60% comparatively when we head over the the Middle East, home to some of the shortest Pornhub visits in the world. Bottom 3 worldwide are Palestine, Iraq and Antarctica each only last around 5 minutes.


If you’ve ever been curious about how long some of the world’s major metropolises masturbation sessions tend to last, look no further than to this relevantly themed section of the interactive infograph. Sessions span a leisurely 13:58 minutes over in Kingston, Jamaica, and over in the US, Los Angeles lasts around 10 minutes and 44 seconds per session. The good times continue to last in Johannesburg, South Africa with visits lasting around 10:35, outlasting Canada’s capital of fap, Edmonton, clocking in at 10:27. Efficiency rules in Baghdad where sessions are the shortest on average in the world, generally lasting only 5:32. Tokyo only goes for around 6 and a half minutes while Istanbul lasts a mere 7:21 on average.


Over in the land of the free, visits to Pornhub never really dip under 9 minutes on average. In Arizona, where sessions are the shortest in the country on average at 9:21, they still have a noteworthy near 4 minute gain over Baghdad. Pornhub visits span the longest in Hawaii, where they go for around 11 and a half minutes on the regular as is the case in the Southeastern states of the country such as Georgia, Arkansas and Mississippi, where they tend to last around 11 minutes on the site. The award for longest Pornhub sessions on average for an American city goes to Mountain View, CA where they somehow manage to last a marathoning 21 minutes per session, which blows New York City’s average of 10:05 right out of the Hudson. NYC’s average time still more than doubles Plainview, Nebraska’s mere 4:37 average session duration.

That’s a wrap! Let us know what you think of these findings in the comments section below.

5 thoughts on “Who Lasts the Longest?”

  1. I love these insights series by pornhub but I can’t help thinking how some of these, like this one article, are far from accurate. Sometimes, people jerk off on demand and give little time to search and stay. Your stat logs could indicate say 10 minutes for a visit, but maybe there was 7 minutes on that just to find a decent video for the “at-the-moment” stimuli needs. And maybe the user just came to pornhub from not finding anything for that particular “seance” on a previous site, clicking through rapidly not to lose the moment, and maybe even more deceiving (for the stats), finishing up somewhere else. I’m not at all questioning the quality content of pornhub, there’s plenty of good stuff here, but masterbating is always (in most cases) an impulsive click-through, including switching sites, to or from or both. And the visual stimuli you needed last week, that porn vid you rewatched 6 times, maybe won’t cut it the next week. The intricate details of masterbation seances and our behavior within it is far more complicated than compiling data on unique visitor stay time from ONE source. If all the major pornsites had cross referencing from tracker cookies (despite user privacy concerns) then one could aggregate more accurate statistics on this subject. Sometimes, we even get discouraged and by the time we’ve found something to please our needs for THAT moment, we’ve had time to move onto something else; lost mood, so we didn’t necessarily cum. On the other hand, some people (sometimes the same people but in different porn phases) take the time to carefully pick & curate videos for when the time comes (like myself), so no, my stay won’t be as long as someone else who took a portion of his visit searching for something good.
    All that boils down to, to avoid going on for hours : stats are interesting, but this particular article is far too flawed from the basis of human behavior towards porn.

  2. Беларусы i украiнцы – 6.42 i 6.30. Рассея – 7.46. Ну i хто тут братэрскiя народы?

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