May The 4th Beat With You

The force is strong with Pornhub users. So much so that ‘Star Wars’ searches increased an incredible 510% this May the 4th. And with Star Wars consistently being one of the most searched for porn parodies among our 60 million daily visitors, this number represents an empire worthy increase.

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Star Wars Searches on Pornhub

Quite often, real-life events can have a drastic effect on the type of porn people search for. For this intergalactic edition of Insights, we’ve teamed up with our friends over at Metro US . “Star Wars” is already a popular search term on Pornhub, and various parody and tribute scenes can be found on our site. So it was no surprise that searches relating to Star Wars began to increase after the official trailer for “The Force Awakens” was released on October 19, 2015. At the time, searches went up 2.5 times the usual volume. In the days leading up to and after the December 18 movie premiere, searches went through the roof – up 1854% above average daily search volumes. Continue reading “Star Wars Searches on Pornhub”