2017 State of the Union

Since the release of our 2017 Year In Review, we haven’t stopped looking into the results! Our friends over at Mashable asked us to take another look at some of the stats, but this time with the most popular searches by each state in the USA. They might all fly one flag, but the states aren’t always united in their taste for porn.

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Pornhub’s 2016 Year in Review

It may have seemed like 2016 was never going to end, but here we are at the beginning of what we’re hoping will be a happy and healthy 2017. Overall it’s been a pretty steady ride, but boy are we excited to kick off a new chapter! We’ve had a great year at Pornhub, and our Insights blog has delivered tons of awesome data over the course of 2016. Throughout the year we’ve covered interesting search trends analyzing the cultural intersection between Pornhub and the likes of ClownsPokemonPoliticians, and even Super Heroes.

Update! Check out our all-new 2017 Year in Review

We’ve also looked at how certain events can affect traffic to Pornhub including the Olympic Games, Major League BaseballSnow Storms and of course the Presidential Election. As we’ve done for the past three years and counting, we’re wrapping it all up with a pretty bow and delivering you all of 2016’s top stats for Pornhub’s 4th annual Year in Review.
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