Pornhub Traffic Trends Driven by Worldwide Events

The Pornhub statisticians have been hard at work measuring the impact of various worldwide events on the traffic numbers of the world’s biggest porn site. With over 1 billion monthly visits the amount of data was immense to process and analysis, the result of their long Red Bull fuelled nights is the infographic below for your data pleasure. The stats show that people pull themselves away from their favorite website just long enough to watch things like the Olympics, the World Series, Presidential elections etc. We can form this conclusion based upon the actual drops in traffic to Pornhub during these events in different regions throughout the world. We also observed that traffic spikes as soon as the event ends and we’re here to welcome you with open arms.

The following interactive infographic breaks down how world events affect porn viewing, and teach us lessons about human behavior.

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Boobs! Big or Small, We Love Em’ All!

Boobs! Big or Small, We Love Em’ All!


These magical chest mountains are part of every man’s desires. With October being breast awareness month, we figured putting together some information on just HOW much our users love these wondrous parts of the female body could be useful!

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Government Shuts Down, Pornhub Views Go Up!

Spending time with family, catching up on house-hold chores; these are the things you would think Americans would do with a little extra time on their hands… Truth be told, judging by the traffic spikes that Pornhub’s been receiving in some States, public employees seem to be catching up on their porn viewing!

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Introducing the future of Pornography viewing: PornIQ

Imagine a world where your favorite adult websites knew exactly what you liked and wanted sexually… you know, like a spouse/partner but much better!  With this in mind, the Pornhub network is proud to present our newest innovation; PornIQ.

Developed to take the work out of porn viewing, PornIQ focuses on your needs and desires. Porn content is divided into themes, and sub-themes to create specific unique playlists for users based on the criteria entered. All you have to do is click through a few simple questions to dynamically create a playlist directly suited to your interests.
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Pornhub’s Traffic in Baltimore and Denver During The First 2013 NFL Game

To many men, sports and sex go hand-in-hand. Well, we here at Pornhub can back that up with some stats! NFL viewership is at an all-time high, so dips to our website during games can be inevitable, as well as give some good insight into how the mind works. Below, you’ll find some stats that may, or may not surprise you!
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What are Americans Searching for on Pornhub?

It’s Friday night, your date stood you up, and the mood to watch some naughty videos creeps up on you.. You head over to your favorite page –, and think to yourself; “What am I in the mood for, what do I type in”? If you ever wondered what the rest of the country was into, we’ve got the answer! It may, or may not turn out that your search terms are popular ones…. Or, if you read on, you may discover you’re into some really kinky stuff! Take a look at our interactive map which shows you each state’s top searched term. Also, if you hover your mouse over a state, you’ll be given the top 3 search terms as well as the duration…. On the site (get your mind out of the gutter).
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